Monday, December 19, 2011

How Big?

My God, the God I believe in, the one that sent His son to die on a cross, and save me from an eternity apart from Him in Hell, He's BIG. He loves me. He wants the very best for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says he has plans to prosper me and give me a future. Jesus spends years healing people. He heals blind people, people who can't walk, He raises people from the dead! He tells us that with the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains (matthew 17:20). In Mark that if I pray and believe in my heart that God will make it happen then it will happen.

It sounds like God wants to give me the best. He wants me to do well. He wants to give me my hearts desire if I only delight in Him (psalm 37:4). In Matthew 6 Jesus tells us not to worry because even the birds of the air are fed even though they don't reap or sow. So of course He will take care of us too.

Why then would we not take BIG leaps of faith? If our God is so big that he promises to always to take care of us. If we truly believe what the Bible says is true and He is more than capable of healing the sick, of raising the dead. If we believe that He really does want to give us the desires of our hearts. Why wouldn't we delight in Him. Why not take the BIG risks?

My dad is sick. I truly believe that God can heal him. That tonight my dad could just be 100% healed because the LORD healed him. God is THAT big. I believe God is even bigger than that. I believe that if God wants my parents to be in another city where they can get better healthcare, because for whatever reason God is choosing to heal my dad through other means. Then God can provide the money it takes, God can provide the means for them to move.

Yes, I want my parents here, but I also just know that this is where they are supposed to be right now. Don't ask me why. I have moved my entire life, and as an adult I have made decisions to move on my own in a matter of days. I once made the decision to move in a weekend. I just knew I needed to quit school and move. In no way is it logical, but I knew it was what I needed to do. In the end it led me to  experiencing the one most horrific, and life changing things I will ever experience. That experience has prepared me for countless other situations in my life. I actually find myself grateful that I could experience such a thing because it means that I have seen first hand the amazing things God can do despite the evil in the world.

Even if my dad dies I know it is the right decision for him to be here. I don't know why. I just do, and it is killing me that he is saying no. That my parents are saying no we can't because of jobs, housing, money. I feel like they are Peter only they won't even get out of the boat.

God doesn't want my dad to die at 57. God heals people. It is not in His will for them to die of a stupid disease. Sin lives in this world so bad things happen, but they aren't God's will. Death is a side effect of sin, conquer sin, you conquer death. I don't just mean in the I will live forever in heaven because I believe Jesus Christ in my Lord and savior, conquer death. I mean that if you say "no satan, I'm not going to let this get the best of me. This stupid disease that is eating away at me, and the stupid treatment that is just as bad." If you stand up and say "my God is BIGGER than you," and believe it in your heart; you can literally conquer death.

There is a man named Dave Roever. He has this amazing analogy. Basically, he says sometimes satan beats us with a stick. Dave was burned really, really badly while he was a soldier in Vietnam. So for him the grenade that caused the burns, the difficult recovery process, the burns themselves, they were all just satan standing over him beating him with a stick. Dave took that stick and started walking with it. He clung to God to help him through the attack, the recovery, the "what do I do now that kids scream when they see me." He went to God and stayed close instead of turning from God yelling "what have you done to me!" Dave understands that wasn't God's will that made that happen.

The next part of the analogy is my favorite. Its the part where Dave takes the stick he was walking with  and beats the devil with it. Dave used his story to help soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan find healing in God. He uses his scars to say "Hey I've been there, and I know how to get out. His name is Jesus Christ, and He can heal you..." Dave gives soldiers and congregations hope. He gave me hope.

Romans 5:3-5
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our heats with his love.

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