Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas: the procrastinators Olympics

When I was in school I waited until the last minute to do everything. School was easy for me so in order to make it more challenging, and thereby more fun, I procrastinated until the night before or sometimes moments before class. I took great joy when a teacher would praise my projects and tell my fellow students that this was an example of work that took time, and was not thought of last minute.

Arrogant I know. I never rubbed it in others faces. No one knew but me... and my family at dinner time.

I've come to realize, as I wrap presents using spare fabric that I found in my room Christmas morning,  that my procrastination through life has paid off greatly. It has made me resourceful, among other things. I call it my MacGyver power.

My dad worked for the Boy Scouts so the phrase "Always Be Prepared" was always present. I think my MacGyver power takes it one step further. I'm "Always Prepared," not because I always have the necessary resources, but because I know how to use what I have, to get the job done, and the creativity, to make it amazing.

So parents, encourage procrastination. See what happens. 

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