Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

Isn't it funny how I trust God to take care of me. I know he's got my back and he will provide for me. He's shown me that over and over and over again this past year. Its because of him that I'm not homeless and starving, but instead in a lovely house, in an amazing town surrounded by people who care about me. I cling to the verse in Jerimiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," (29:11). God will always care for me and provide for me, but He wants me to prosper.

There is a parable about a man who gives 3 of his servants each some money. Two of the servants, in essence, invest the money and when their master returns they have doubled the money. The third buried the money and so when his master came back he had exactly the same amount. The third servant is called evil and lazy, because if he would have even simply put it in the bank it would have at least collected interest.

The point of all this is simply that I have been trusting God to provide for me, but like the third servant I too have not done smart things with my money. God has really been laying it on my heart to tithe, but every time that paycheck comes, no matter my intentions, my bills come first, and after that I'm lucky if I have enough gas to get to work and food to eat. Its been like this for awhile and in the past few weeks Albert's words have been repeating in my head. He's right. I'm insane. I've been trying my way over and over and over again and expecting different results. The only thing that has changed is that my situation has gotten worse. So no more. I'm trying out tithing this time. No matter what the nay-sayers tell me. No matter the guilt satan throws at me. God wants me to do this, He will provide for me, and more so I will prosper because of Him.

This is a perfect example of God's unfailing love for us. Even when I don't do what He asks of me He still provides. How much greater His influence on my life is when I offer it to Him. 

my naive thoughts on love

I realized something while watching Love and Other Drugs.  There has been a huge shift in movie 'romance'. Gone are the days of boy meets girl, chases after her, sings a few sappy love songs, falls in love, and gets married. We definitely don't pan to the sky after the kiss any more either... I miss those days... I wasn't alive during those days, but I miss them.

Now it's meaningless sex first, realization of something more, one or the other gets scared, break-up, allusion of commitment, roll credits.  I realize this shift happened a long time ago. I mean Julia Roberts was a prostitute, but at least she and Richard Gere kept their clothes on the majority of the movie.

I can't accept this. This is the message we are putting out as the norm. That this kind of relationship is the best case scenario couples can hope for. Lead with sex, hope for romance.
Talk about a fairy tale.

I know people think I'm naive because I want the guy to climb the tower and save me. I want him to fight for me. I also want him to talk to me and treat me like an equal and listen to what I have to say and fight with me when I'm completely off base and hold me accountable and lead me but have faults of his own, and need me.

I know its asking a lot. but I would rather wait for him than have meaningless sex hoping for romance.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


A guy wearing a Vurt T-shirt was caught "touching" himself last week at a local Sonic Drive- thru. They have it on tape. The News happened to show this footage tonight, and well he's doing a lot more than "touching" himself.  The reporter made a simple joke about per-'vurts' due to the unfortunate brand of shirt he was wearing. Unfortunate for the brand because Vurt will now forever have that footage attached to its name. They can't control  who buys their clothing or what those people get caught doing... on tape.

The Westboro Baptist Church protests homosexuality at funerals. Military funerals, and more recently the funeral of a 9 year old girl who was killed during a shooting in Arizona. The group said she "was killed for [her] rebellion when God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America." Thats right they blamed God. Not only that, they slap God's name all over their protest signs. They say He HATES homosexuals.

At least all Vurt has to deal with is some guy masturbating on camera. God has whole populations wearing His name and speaking on His behalf.

Time to pick up my God T-shirt and wash off all the mud.